What REALLY causes chronic anal itching, and what has proven to be the best treatment?
Posted by Pete Peterson on 21st Sep 2018
Medically known as Pruritus Ani (and Anusitis), chronic anal itching is no laughing matter. It varies in severity from being a mild annoyance to a life-changing, sleep depriving, depression causing nightmare.People have been driven to the brink of suicide because of its relentless symptoms.
This blog is intended to make sufferers (and doctors) aware that: the cause of idiopathic (of unknown cause) pruritus ani has now been identified; that one new treatment has been documented to be successful in nearly all cases; and that a cure for pruritus ani is just around the corner if medical science will pursue it.
As a former pruritus ani patient myself, someone who tried every cream, saw multiple doctors, went through two hemorrhoid surgeries and several methylene blue injections, all with no long-term results, it’s become my mission to share this new information and breakthrough treatment to others who are suffering like I was. Most of all, I want to get the word out to doctors that yes there IS a highly effective (90%+) treatment you can recommend to all of your suffering patients.
People tell me I’m too long-winded about a subject that no one wants to talk about.Just give them results, get to the point. So, ok, that’s what this first article is about. I’ll go into more depth on everything in future articles but for now, here are the results of 8 years of trial and error testing along with communicating with thousands of rectal itching sufferers from around the globe, over 50 countries and counting. An itchy anus is not because of an American diet. It is a medical condition found in every country in the world.
Once you know the cause of a problem, then eliminating the cause becomes the solution. So, find the cause of the anal itching, eliminate it, and the patient is cured.Simple.
The issue with pruritus ani is that no one has been able to isolate a single cause.Its common thought amongst doctors that there are dozens of potential causes. Go to WebMD, the ASCRS (American Society of Colon Rectal Surgeons) website,or any top medical website and you find a list of potential causes. Try this, try that. I did. It took me years but nothing worked. An almost complete waste of time along with costing me more money than I care to add up.It prolonged the suffering. That was 2010.Since then, thousands of people I’ve communicated with told me they had done the same things, followed the same advice, all with no success.
A new mentality, a new approach was needed. The medical community had accepted “the fact” that idiopathic pruritus ani was caused by a multitude of different things.BUT, what if there is just ONE cause? Once yeast, fungus and other known causes are ruled out, what if there is just one cause for the vast majority of people? I looked for scientific proof that there are multiple causes. Turns out there is none. Ask for proof that changing your bed sheet material or using different detergent has some degree of proven success in treating pruritus ani, and you know what, it’s just not there.Most of those bits of “advice” (not fact) handed out today is just guesswork. Even the “fact” that diet causes pruritus ani is not scientifically supported. Try to find evidence that changing your diet or avoiding certain foods will bring long term relief and strong evidence is just not there. Even the ASCRS in their article on pruritus ani states “Dietary factors may also play a role with pruritis ani, although there are no definitive studies implicating particular food items or diets ” .
The treatment I’m talking about shows a 90% success rate based on a survey of over 17,000 users (with 2000+ responding). As far as I know, there is nothing else even close to this kind of proof of success. Most studies use a dozen or two patients. While this is not a scientific study, (you can wait a few more years for that if you want), it is considered a statistically significant survey.
OK then, what is the single cause of “idiopathic” pruritus ani? It is “something” that has changed and is different in the affected person’s colon vs a healthy colon. Something in the affected person comes out of the rectum and through the anal canal and when it comes into contact with the anus and perianal skin, it causes skin irritation and extreme itching. Once this substance/bacterium is identified, it’s eradication will be the cure. Until then, the best treatment answer is to remove the offending substance and soothe the irritated skin if necessary. Often times removal of the substance/bacterium isn’t enough. The skin has been irritated and needs soothing. This is an ongoing problem until the cure is found. For me, this was extremely difficult to accept… I have a lifelong medical problem with no cure! Some of those who are afflicted with this “condition” can go weeks or months with just removal of the substance and a pat dry, but others require a soothing anti-itch ointment once every day or two.
So, what is the best treatment for pruritus ani? Now that you know the cause, simply remove the offending substance and soothe the skin if removal isn’t enough. As I mentioned before, the intensity of this affliction varies widely. Personally, mine was so bad there was absolutely nothing available on the market that could give me (and thousands of others) long term relief. Our bottoms couldn’t be soothed nor the itch relieved by anything currently available. So, we had to invent our own ointment. This became the Pranicura Pruritus Ani Treatment. Nothing has proven more effective.
But if you have just a mild case then do this… Every time you feel the need to scratch, go to the bathroom, clean with a baby wipe and pat dry with toilet tissue.If your anal area is still itchy or even more itchy, apply a zinc oxide based ointment. We found zinc oxide creams to be the most effective, and petrolatum-based ointments exacerbated the problem. Follow the same routine after a bowel movement as well.
Last but not least, don’t give up on the process above. We’ve found that it takes 1 day to 5 weeks for the skin of your bottom to heal and become normal again. Steroid and cortisone creams stay in your skin a while and you end up with a rebound effect…meaning your itchy bum gets even itchier for a few days. You may find you need to apply ointment several times a day as the itch increases. Healing skin and steroid rebound effect takes some time to get through. But stick with it.This works.
I’ll cover everything in more detail in future articles. Until then, visit our website at https://www.pranicura.com/.